Cells bearing the gamma delta form of the TCR make up only 1-3% of T cells in the adult murine thymus and peripheral lymphoid organs. Evidence from studies of nude mice suggests that the development of at least some gamma delta T cells is thymus dependent; however, until now it has not been directly demonstrated that gamma delta cells are exported from the thymus. In this paper we have used the technique of labelling thymocytes in vivo with FITC, followed by flow cytometric analysis to trace cells emigrating from the thymus to the spleen. Using this approach we have been able to demonstrate for the first time that gamma delta T cells are exported from the adult murine thymus to the spleen. We also demonstrate that the cells emigrating to the spleen are a selected subset of gamma delta thymocytes being heat stable antigen positive, Thy-1+, and expressing low levels of CD44 (Pgp-1). In addition, investigation of TCR V gamma gene usage among adult gamma delta + thymocytes, recent emigrants, and spleen cells, indicated a selective emigration of gamma delta cells expressing certain V gamma genes.