Background: A vein is a collapsible tube. As such, has it one or several axes of flattening?
Objective: The objective is to demonstrate that several venous parts, like valves or orifices of tributary veins, are directed towards one axis.
Methods: With dynamic endoscopies for superficial veins and with anatomical injections of latex for deep veins.
Results: All the valvular free borders of the superficial veins are parallel to the skin's surface, all the terminal orifices of the perforator are really situated on the commissure linear (linear joining two superposed valvular commissures) of the deep veins.
Conclusion: A vein has a preferential axis of flattening, and its cross-section configuration can be defined as: two wallsides and two borders. The bicuspid valve's cornua are situated on the borders of the vein. The terminal orifices of the perforators are situated on the borders of the deep veins. The models of the musculovenous pump of the calf have to be altered.