Many patients undergoing investigation for coronary artery disease are unable to exercise adequately due to physical or psychological reasons. Thallium-201 imaging using dipyridamole or adenosine may then be a suitable method of assessing myocardial perfusion. In patients with asthma, these drugs are contraindicated because of the risk of provoking bronchospasm. This study assesses the safety of dobutamine for thallium-201 myocardial perfusion imaging in patients with asthma who were unable to perform adequate exercise. Dobutamine was infused at rates < or = 40 micrograms/kg/min in 30 asthmatic patients for thallium-201 emission tomography. The severity of the airway reactivity ranged from mild to severe (bronchodilator treatment ranging from inhaled beta 2 agonists alone to maximal therapy including oral steroids). Coronary angiography was performed in 20 patients. Minor side effects of dobutamine were frequent, but did not limit the infusion rate. There were no episodes of bronchospasm, but tolerable dyspnea occurred in 8 patients who had reversible ischemia; this rapidly resolved with termination of the infusion. There were no serious cardiac complications, but chest pain occurred in 67% of patients. Thallium-201 images were abnormal in 10 of 11 patients with coronary artery disease (sensitivity 91%) and normal in 7 of 9 with normal coronary arteries (specificity 79%). Dobutamine thallium-201 myocardial perfusion tomography is a safe procedure in patients with asthma.