Since the advent of laparoscopy, the sweeping changes seen in general surgery have not been paralleled in vascular surgery. There have been case reports of laparoscopic-assisted aortobifemoral bypass for occlusive disease. Because aneurysmal disease comprises the majority of aortic surgery, we pursued animal and cadaveric feasibility studies for laparoscopic-assisted abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair. We present a case report of the first clinical case performed under Institutional Review Board protocol using this technique. The patient was a 62-year-old male with a 6-cm infrarenal AAA. After obtaining a pneumoperitoneum, a modified fish retractor was used to exclude the bowel. Ten 11-mm ports provided access to laparoscopically dissect the neck of the aneurysm and the iliac vessels. Then, a 10-cm minilaparotomy was performed and standard vascular clamps were inserted via the port incisions. Standard aneurysmorraphy was performed with a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) tube graft. Laparoscopy conferred three major benefits: better visualization of the aneurysm neck, less bowel manipulation, and avoidance of hypothermia. This case report illustrates the feasibility of laparoscopic-assisted aneurysm repair. Controlled human studies will define the role of laparoscopy in AAA surgery.