Several new genes and markers have recently been identified on the proximal short arm of the human X chromosome in the area of Xp11.23. We had previously generated a YAC contig in this region extending from UBE1 to the OATL1 locus. In this report two polymorphic dinucleotide repeats, DXS6949 and DXS6950, were isolated and characterized from the OATL1 locus. A panel of YAC deletion derivatives from the distal portion of the contig was used in conjunction with the rest of the YAC map to position the new microsatellites and order other markers localizing to this interval. The marker order was determined to be DXS1367-ZNF81-DXS6849-ZNF21-DXS6616-DXS 6950-DXS6949. In the proximal region below OATL1, we have isolated a pair of YACs from the GATA locus, B1026 and C01160. Mapping within these YACs indicates the orientation of DXS1126 and DXS1240, while a cosmid near the OATL1 region reveals the overlap between the YAC contigs from the two loci. This cosmid contains the gene responsible for Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS) and localizes the disease gene between OATL1 and GATA. These data enable the expansion of the present physical map of the X chromosome from UBE1 to the GATA locus, covering a large portion of the Xp11.23 region. Genetic cross-overs in Xp11.23 support the marker orientation and the position of WAS, contrary to previous reports. With the integration of both physical and genetic maps we have predicted the following marker order: Xpter-UBE1-SYN1/ARAF1/ TIMP1-DXS1367-ZNF81-DXS.6849-ZNF21-DXSy6616++ +-(OATL1, DXS6950-DXS6949)- WAS-(GATA, DXS1126)-DXS1240-Xcen.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)