A pure sensory nerve (the superficial branch of the radial nerve) in adult cats was cut to investigate the changes in the nerve endings (terminals) on the neurons of the nucleus cuneatus of the brainstem. In one group of cats (n = 22) the ends of the cut nerve were approximated immediately by epineural suturing to promote optimum regeneration. In another group (n = 11) the proximals tump of the nerve was enclosed in a capsule to prevent regeneration. Four to 17 months later the same nerve was re-exposed. The sutured nerves were cut and nerve-tracer was exhibited to the proximal end of the cut nerves and to the proximal stump of the nerves which had been encapsulated. The purpose was to investigate the labelling of nerve terminals in the cuneate nucleus, because it receives an input of primary afferents from the front leg. The nerve and the cuneate nucleus of the opposite side served as controls. Labelled terminals were distributed throughout the dorsal part of the entire rostrocaudal extent of the cuneate nucleus. The distribution was patchy and was superimposed on clusters of nerve cells. The quantity of labelled nerve terminals on the experimental and control sides was compared: 60% of the labelling observed on the control side was in the sutured nerves while the encapsulated nerves exhibited only 32%. This difference was apparent 4 months after transection of the nerve. Up to 17 months after the nerve was cut, however, there was some increase in the quantity of labelled nerve terminals and this was most apparent in cats in which the nerves had been sutured.