For differential diagnosis between hypercalcemia-induced bone metastasis and humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy (HHM), serum parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) concentrations were measured in normal subjects and patients with malignancy-associated hypercalcemia according to the presence or absence of bone metastasis, using a new sensitive PTHrP(109-141) radioimmunoassay system. The serum PTHrP(109-141) levels in all of 14 patients without bone metastasis were significantly higher than those in normal subjects. However, in four patients with hypercalcemia associated with bone metastasis the levels were nearly the same as those in normal subjects. The time course in two hypercalcemic patients with esophageal carcinoma revealed that serum PTHrP(109-141) levels were elevated before hypercalcemia developed and that changes in PTHrP(109-141) and corrected serum calcium levels were significantly correlated. These findings suggest that determination of serum PTHrP(109-141) may be clinically important not only for differential diagnosis of HHM but also as a useful predictive marker of hypercalcemia.