We compared 1.5 T magnetic resonance (MR) image findings in 193 patients with congenital pituitary insufficiency. One hundred and thirty nine of the MR studies were obtained in patients who had isolated growth hormone deficiency (GHD). Other fifty-four patients had multiple pituitary hormone deficiency (MPHD). On MR images, normal anterior and posterior lobes of the pituitary gland can be clearly differentiated because the posterior lobe has a characteristic high intensity on T1-weighted images. In fifty-four patients, the high-intensity of the posterior lobe was not seen, but a similar high signal intensity was observed at the proximal stump in fifty-one patients. This high-intensity area is the newly formed ectopic posterior lobe, which also secrets anti-diuretic hormone just as the posterior lobe would. MR imaging can demonstrate the transection of the pituitary stalk and the formation of the ectopic lobe, revealing to be a usefull diagnostic tool in the definition of the type of alteration in growth defects of endocrine origin.