To evaluate intestinal motility after 80% massive distal small bowel resection (MSBR), we continuously monitored interdigestive and postprandial bowel motility using bipolar electrodes and/or contractile strain gage force transducers in conscious beagle dogs before, and at 0-4 weeks and 8-13 months after the surgery. Fasting duodenal migrating myoelectric (or motor) complexes (MMCs) occurred at longer intervals in the short-term after 80% MSBR than in controls, and were simulated in long-term that in controls. MMCs arising from the duodenum were often migrated to the proximal jejunum, the jejunum above the anastomosis, and to the terminal ileum beyond the anastomosis. The velocity of duodenal MMC propagation was slowed in every intestinal segment in the short-term, and had not recovered even long after the operation. The duration of the postprandial period without duodenal MMCs was prolonged significantly in the short-term, and still remained longer in the long-term than in controls. These findings suggest that changes in gut motility after MSBR tend to compensate for the shorter intestine and maintain small bowel absorption early postoperatively, and adaptations of motility would occur over the long-term to increased intestinal absorption.