We infused noradrenaline (0.025 micrograms/kg/min for 60 min, n=7) and dopamine (3.0 micrograms/kg/min for 60 min, n=6) into healthy male volunteers to study the effects of these catecholamines on in vivo thromboxane A2, prostacyclin and leukotriene E4 production measured as urinary excretions of 11-dehydro-thromboxane (TX) B2, 2,3-dinor-6-keto-prostaglandin (PG) F1alpha and leukotriene (LT) E4, respectively. Plasma noradrenaline and dopamine concentrations were 2.9+/-0.3 and 233+/-17 nmol/l at the endo fo the noradrenaline and dopamine infusions, respectively. Noradrenaline decreased thromboxane production and increased leukotriene production almost two fold. It had hardly any effect on prostacyclin production. Dopamine had no significant effects on any of the variables, however, it had a tendency to increase prostacyclin and leukotriene production. The results indicate that noradrenaline is a more important modulator of arachidonic acid metabolism than dopamine in vivo.