Molecular recognition processes between cell surface elements are discussed with special reference to cell surface pattern formation of membrane-bound integral proteins. The existence, as detected by flow cytometric resonance energy transfer (Appendix), and significance of cell surface patterns involving the interleukin-2 receptor, the T-cell receptor-CD3 system, the intercellular adhesion molecule ICAM-1, and the major histocompatibility complex class I and class II molecules in the plasma membrane of lymphocytes are described. The modulation of antigen presentation by transmembrane potential changes is discussed, and a general role of transmembrane potential changes, and therefore of ion channel activities, adduced as one of the major regulatory mechanisms of cell-cell communication. A general role in the mediation and regulation of intercellular interactions is suggested for cell-surface macromolecular patterns. The dynamic pattern of protein and lipid molecules in the plasma membrane is generated by the genetic code, but has a remarkable flexibility and may be one of the major instruments of accommodation and recognition processes at the cellular level.