The chicken karyotype comprises 39 chromosome pairs of which at least 29 are 'microchromosomes'. Microchromosomes account for about 25% of the genomic DNA, but they are cytologically indistinguishable from one another (1). Due to technical limitations there is a strong bias of mapped genes within the chicken genome database ChickGBASE (2) towards macrochromosomes 1-6 and Z, with specific assignments to only one microchromosome (3,4). Several genes have, however, been assigned to the microchromosome group as a whole (3,5-9), demonstrating that these tiny chromosomes do not represent genetically inert DNA. To determine the overall chromosomal distribution of genes, as well as to provide a mapping resource, we prepared a CpG island library from chicken using differential binding to a methyl-CpG chicken using differential binding to a methyl-CpG binding column before and after de novo methylation (10). Surprisingly, we found that chicken CpG islands are highly concentrated on the microchromosomes, whereas macrochromosomes 1-6 are comparatively gene-poor by this assay. Our results raise the possibility that gene density on chicken microchromosomes approaches the maximum value known for vertebrates.