Pseudomonas aeruginosa produces several extracellular virulence factors including elastase (which is encoded by lasB). Recently, we examined several clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa for the production of toxin A, elastase, exoenzyme S, and phospholipase C. Although the majority of the isolates produced a high level of elastase, a few isolates produced either very low or no detectable elastase. In this study, we tried to determine the presence of restriction site heterogeneity within lasB from these isolates and the possible correlation between such heterogeneity and the observed variation in elastase production. Chromosomal DNA from the isolates was digested with different restriction enzymes and examined by Southern blot hybridization experiments using two lasB probes. One lasB probe covers 636 bp of lasB structural gene while the other covers 240 bp of the lasB upstream region. Chromosomal DNA from P. aeruginosa PAO1 and PA103 was used as controls. Results indicate that chromosomal DNA from all isolates hybridized to both lasB probes. Depending on the restriction enzyme used for DNA digestion, lasB from 3 to 12% of the isolates showed different patterns of hybridization with the lasB structural gene probe. However, no difference in the hybridization pattern was seen with the lasB upstream probe. With the exception of one isolate, hybridization of genomic DNA from different isolates (with both probes) produced a single hybridization band. In that isolate, an additional hybridization band was detected. Immunoblotting experiments confirmed that elastase protein is not produced by 6 out of 67 isolates. However, lasB from four of these elastase-deficient strains showed no difference in the hybridization pattern with either lasB probe.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)