In this study we used reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for the longitudinal monitoring of minimal residual disease in 12 patients with All-1/AF-4 positive ALL. Of these, seven also showed at presentation a typical t(4;11) cytogenetic translocation. Seven patients were infants <18 months of age and five were adults. Eleven patients were treated with high-dose intensive induction and consolidation chemotherapy without bone marrow transplantation and one received conservative treatment due to poor performance status. Three had resistant disease, four relapsed within 12 months after achieving complete remission, and five are in continuous complete remission (CCR) at 32, 39, 52, 53 and 61 months from diagnosis, respectively. The sequential analysis of the ALL-1/AF-4 hybrid transcript showed a persistently negative RT-PCR in the five CCR long-term survivors. The PCR analysis resulted persistently positive in the remaining seven cases, including the four cases who relapsed after the achievement of clinical CR. These data emphasize the clinical relevance of PCR monitoring analysis in t(4;11) ALL patients and should be considered in order to better determine variable post-remission treatment according to risk prediction.