Purpose: To examine the relationship between physical fitness and transient myocardial ischemia (TMI) in the laboratory and during daily life, in a sample of coronary patients with a recent positive exercise test.
Methods: 47 patients with coronary disease (CAD) participated in laboratory mental and exercise stress testing and 48-hour outpatient Holter monitoring after being withdrawn from ant-ischemic medications. During laboratory testing, left ventricular performance was assessed by radionuclide ventriculography. Physical fitness was assessed by measurement of oxygen consumption during symptom-limited exercise treadmill testing.
Results: Higher physical fitness subjects were less likely to exhibit wall-motion abnormalities in response to mental stress (P < .05), and to exercise stress (P < .05) testing. They also had smaller decreases in left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) in response to mental stress than less fit subjects (P .056), and exhibited a mean increase in LVEF during exercise, compared to the less fit subjects who exhibited a decrease in LVEF (P < .02). Moreover, higher fit subjects exhibited fewer episodes of TMI (P < .04), for a shorter duration (P < .04), and less total ischemic burden (P < .04) during Holter monitoring.
Conclusion: These findings suggest that within a population of CAD patients, higher levels of physical fitness are associated with less TMI assessed in the laboratory and during routine activities of daily living.