Field potentials associated with the execution of a warned choice Go/No-Go reaction task were recorded from prefrontal supplementary (SMA) and primary motor cortex (MI) by using subdural electrodes in 5 epileptic patients during presurgical evaluation. The choice was between a Go and a No-Go imperative stimulus (S2) in the S1-S2 paradigm. Orbitofrontal and mesial prefrontal areas generated a slow preceding potential before S2 (most likely late CNV), and bilateral mesial prefrontal areas generated a transient potential, most likely related to decision making, upon S2 in both Go and No-Go conditions. In self-paced, repetitive movement, the Bereitschaftspotential was seen only at SMA and MI, but not in the prefrontal area. The present result, therefore, suggests that in humans orbitofrontal and mesial frontal areas play an important role in preparation for cognition and in decision making, whereas SMA and MI do so in motor preparation.