Background: There is considerable evidence that blood returning from different abdominal organs does not mix completely but maintains streamline flow in the portal vein. This study tested the hypothesis that the location of primary colorectal carcinoma affects the intrahepatic distribution of liver metastases according to streamline flow in the portal vein.
Methods: Eighty-five patients with histologically verified liver metastases from colorectal carcinoma underwent potentially curative hepatectomy. Primary tumor location was the right-sided colon in 18 patients and the left-sided colon in 67. The liver was divided into two lobes by Cantlie's line.
Results: A total of 195 metastatic deposits were resected: 135 in the right lobe and 60 in the left. In the right-sided colon carcinoma group, 29 deposits were in the right lobe and 3 in the left. In the left-sided colon carcinoma group, 106 deposits were in the right lobe and 57 in the left. The pattern of lobar distribution was significantly different in the two groups (P = 0.003).
Conclusions: Right-sided colon cancers selectively involve the right lobe, while left-sided tumors involve the entire liver, considering the ratio of weights of the right to left lobe is 2:1. This difference suggests that primary tumor location affects the pattern of lobar distribution of colorectal carcinoma liver metastases according to streamline flow in the portal vein.