Purpose: To evaluate a discrepancy between the location of renal artery stenoses on intraarterial digital subtraction angiographic (DSA) images and that on spiral computed tomographic (CT) angiograms.
Materials and methods: The spiral CT angiograms and intraarterial DSA images of 40 consecutive patients with atherosclerotic renal artery stenoses were examined retrospectively. Stenoses were classified as truncal or ostial. The atherosclerotic changes in the abdominal aorta were graded.
Results: Fifty-eight stenoses were demonstrated. In 48 ostial stenoses, there was no discrepancy in the location of the stenoses on spiral CT angiograms and DSA images. In 10 patients, spiral CT angiography showed an ostial lesion, whereas DSA demonstrated an apparent truncal lesion. Most of these stenoses ("pseudotruncal" ostial stenoses) were in patients with severe aortic atherosclerotic disease.
Conclusion: A renal artery stenosis at or within 10 mm of an atherosclerotic aorta at DSA may be diagnosed as an ostial stenosis.