The main objective of this study was to determine if glutathione (GSH) supplementation attenuated hyperoxic lung injury. Preterm (29 days) rabbits were delivered and exposed for 24 h to 1) room air, 2) room air and GSH, 3) 95% oxygen and GSH. GSH supplements (1 mM) were delivered in the nutritional support of 10% dextrose and saline through a peritoneal catheter. Animals assigned to oxygen had decreased lung volumes at 35 cmH2O, decreased lung compliance, increased edema, decreased cell viability, and decreased lung tissue and lavage-reduced/oxidized GSH levels, compared with control animals. Despite exposure to hyperoxia, animals supplemented with GSH were not different from room air controls with respect to lung mechanics, edema, cell viability, or tissue and lavage GSH. These studies suggest that GSH supplementation maintains normal lavage and lung tissue GSH levels in preterm animals exposed to hyperoxia and attenuates the changes in lung mechanics associated with oxygen-induced lung injury.