In this study we investigated the intra-arterial delivery of viral and nonviral particles to experimental brain tumors. A herpes simplex virus (HSV) vector and monocrystalline iron oxide nanoparticles (MION) were injected into the internal carotid artery of Fisher 344 rats harboring intracerebral 9L gliosarcomas, using bradykinin to disrupt the blood-tumor barrier. Brain and internal organs were stained both for virus-mediated gene expression and for iron. Quantitative comparisons of gene expression and MION uptake with and without blood-tumor barrier disruption were performed in the center and at the periphery of the tumor mass, as well as in normal brain. In addition, MION distribution was traced in vivo by MR imaging. Delivery of HSV into 9L gliosarcoma cells was greatly enhanced by intra-carotid bradykinin infusion. Virus-mediated expression of the HSV-thymidine kinase (TK) and beta-galactosidase gene products was highest at the tumor periphery as compared to the tumor center. Selective HSV infection of multiple tumor foci was achieved in both hemispheres without affecting normal brain. MION uptake was high at the tumor periphery even without blood-tumor barrier disruption. Bradykinin increased MION uptake predominantly in the center of the tumor with virtually no effect at the periphery. These findings show that selective blood-tumor barrier disruption by bradykinin can be used to enhance HSV-mediated gene delivery to tumor cells in the periphery of brain tumors. A crucial aspect in the treatment of malignant brain tumors is the eradication of tumor cells infiltrating the brain; bradykinin may facilitate access of vectors to these areas by selective disruption of their neovasculature.