Although animal models have been used to characterize the relation between oxygen consumption and blood flow, reliable data have not been generated in the human small intestine. We perfused segments of human small intestine by using an ex vivo perfusion circuit that allowed precise manipulation of blood flow and perfusion pressure. Our goal was to define the critical level of intestinal blood flow necessary to maintain the metabolic needs of the tissue. Human small intestine (n = 5) tissue obtained at transplantation harvest was transported on ice to the laboratory. A 40-cm mid-jejunal segment was selected for perfusion, and appropriate inflow and outflow vessels were identified and cannulated. Perfusion with an autologous blood solution was initiated through an extracorporeal membrane oxygenation circuit. After a 30-minute equilibration period, arterial and venous blood gases were measured at varying flow rates while maintaining a constant hematocrit level. Arterial and venous oxygen content, arteriovenous oxygen difference (A-VO2 diff), and oxygen consumption (VO2) were then calculated. Our results demonstrated that at blood flows > 30 ml/min/100 g, VO2 is independent of blood flow (1.6 +/- 0.06 ml/min/100 g), and oxygen extraction is inversely related to flow. Below this blood flow rate of 30 ml/min/100 g, oxygen extraction does not increase further (6.3 +/- 0.3 vol%), and VO2 becomes flow dependent. This ex vivo preparation defines for the first time a threshold value of blood flow for small intestine below which oxygen consumption decreases (30 ml/min/100 g). Previous animal studies have correlated such a decrease in oxygen consumption with functional and histologic evidence of tissue injury. This "critical" flow rate in human intestine is similar to that found previously in canine and feline intestine, but lower than that of rodent species.