Objective: To investigate the effect of human recombinant interleukin (hrIL)-4 or hrIL-10 on the functional status of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNL) from normal subjects and HIV-infected patients.
Design: In an in vitro system we studied the effect of hrIL-4 or hrIL-10 on phagocytosis, fungicidal activity and superoxide anion production by PMNL.
Methods: PMNL were treated in vitro with hrIL-4 or hrIL-10 or their combination for 6 h and then candidacidal activity was evaluated in a colony-forming unit inhibition assay. Superoxide anion generation by PMNL was measured in the presence or absence of preopsonized zymosan or Candida albicans.
Results: Treatment in vitro with hrIL-4 or hrIL-10 of PMNL for 6 h was able to impair candidacidal activity of neutrophils in both normal or HIV-infected patients. The inhibitory effect was time- and dose-dependent and was more evident in PMNL from HIV-infected subjects, and reflected in these latter cells a decrease of superoxide anion generation. The impairment of candidacidal activity in PMNL from HIV-infected patients was accompanied by survival of the yeasts shown by budding formation into phagosomic organelles of cytokine-treated PMNL.
Conclusions: Our data highlight new biological effects of IL-4 and IL-10 evidenced by suppressed effector function of neutrophils; this phenomenon is emphasized in HIV-infected patients suggesting a role for these cytokines in mediating increased susceptibility to microbial infection during AIDS progression.