Patients with an established diagnosis of epilepsy were included in three groups on the basis of the absence (Group 2) or presence (Group 3) of epileptiform EEG discharges or subtle seizures (Group 4) during the cognitive assessment procedure. A separate age-matched non-epileptic control group (Group 1) was formed. Twenty-five patients were included in each of the four groups. Thus, a total of 100 patients were investigated. The patients were assessed with continuous 21-channel EEG and video-monitoring, combined with cognitive testing. The results show consistently lower performance on cognitive tests for Group 4, the group with subtle seizures. The difference with the control group was significant for the intelligence subtests and for the complex information processing test (p < 0.05). No transient cognitive impairment was found. The results are discussed in the light of possible factors that may be responsible for the lower test-scores in the patients of Group 4: both the ictal effects of the seizures themselves, postictal effects and the effects of the epileptiform EEG discharges may have had an impact on cognitive performance. Finally the absence of evidence for transient cognitive impairment in a group with frequent epileptiform EEG discharges is discussed in detail.