A 37-year-old man who had undergone modified Bentall operation in December 1986 had redo operation for ascending aortic aneurysm. Initial operation, in other institute, included aortic root replacement using composite graft and reconstruction of coronary arteries. Left coronary ostium was directly anastomosed to composite graft while a saphenous vein was grafted between composite graft and right coronary artery concomitant with closing right coronary ostium. In addition, composite graft was wrapped with native aortic wall and Cabrol trick was carried out. In December 1994, this patient required redo operation for a 90 mm size of ascending aotric aneurysm which had been used for wrapping in the initial operation. The findings at reoperation revealed patent Cabrol trick, occluded saphenous vein graft, dehiscent proximal anastomosis of saphenous vein graft and partial dehiscence of distal anastomosis of composite graft. The repairs included new saphenous vein grafting to right coronary artery and re-anastomosis of distal site of composite graft. Cabrol trick was closed and composite graft was not wrapped. His post-operative course was excellent and post-operative scintigram indicated ameriolation of inferior wall ischemia.