LBNF1 heart grafts are rejected in an accelerated manner within 36 h by LEW rats that have been sensitized with Brown Norway rat skin grafts on day -7. Treatment with RIB-5/2, a CD4-nondepleting mAb (10 doses of 5 mg/rat/day, i.v., from day -7 to day +21) abrogated rejection at <36 h and produced indefinite (>200 days) cardiac allograft survival. Transplantation tolerance in this model developed within several weeks, and during the maintenance phase (>100 days) it was associated with diminished host circulating allo-Ab responses and induction of peripheral allospecific T cell unresponsiveness both in vitro and in vivo. Tolerant cells in mAb-treated hosts could disable naive or alloimmune cells, so that they failed to trigger graft rejection. Moreover, donor-specific and organ-nonspecific tolerance could be adoptively transferred by spleen cells alone into new sets of primary (100%) and secondary (>40%) test recipients. CD4+ T cells were instrumental for the induction of such readily transferable tolerance. The first and second generation suppressive regulatory cells were also critical for the inhibition of allograft recognition by normal or even alloimmune cells. Hence, the features of an "infectious" tolerance pathway to minor histocompatibility-mismatched skin grafts, originally described in thymectomized mice, may be applied to the euthymic primed rats rendered tolerant to fully MHC-incompatible vascularized organ allografts. Such reprogramming of host cell-mediated regulatory mechanisms following CD4-targeted therapy adds to our appreciation of the potential utility and applicability of infectious tolerance in transplant recipients treated with a perioperative course of CD4-targeted monotherapy.