The crystal structures of two new thrombin inhibitors, P498 and P500, complexed with human alpha-thrombin have been determined at 2.0 A resolution and refined to crystallographic R-factors of 0.170 and 0.169, respectively. These compounds, with picomolar binding constants, belong to a family of potent bifunctional inhibitors that bind thrombin at two remote sites: the active site and the fibrinogen recognition exosite (FRE). The inhibitors incorporate a nonsubstrate type active site binding fragment: Dansyl-Arg-(D)Pipecolic acid (Dns-Arg-(D)Pip), reminiscent of the active-site directed inhibitors MD-805 and MQPA, rendering them resistant to thrombin-induced hydrolysis. The FRE binding fragment of these inhibitors corresponds to the hirudin55-65 sequence. They differ in the chemical nature of the nonpeptidyl linker bridging these two functional activities. In both cases, the active site binding fragment is well defined in the electron density. The DnsH1, ArgH2, and (D)PipH3 groups occupy the S3, S1, and S2 subsites of thrombin, respectively, in a way similar to that observed in the thrombin-MQPA complexes. Binding in the active site of thrombin is characterized by numerous van der Waals contacts and ring-ring system interactions. Unlike in the substrate-like inhibitors, ArgH2 enters the S1 specificity pocket from the P2 position and adopts a bent conformation to make an hydrogen bond to the carboxylate of Asp189. In this noncanonical position, its carbonyl points away from the oxyanion hole, which is now occupied by well-ordered solvent molecules. The linkers fit in the groove extending from the active site to the FRE. The C-terminal fragments of both inhibitors bind in the same way as analogous FRE binding elements in previously described complexes.