In Senegal, identifying the determining factors of the informal health care demand for malaria on the one hand and the supply's inventory in that condition on the other hand, are prerequisites to the definition of any realistic pharmaceutical policy. Wanted to make these parameters available in the city of Touba which shows religious and administrative particularities as compared to the rest of Senegal, by conducting a study on malaria morbidity and by submitting to people and informal health care providers two different questionnaires. Besides a malaria morbidity rate of 7.4%, the resort to informal health care was linked to economic reasons for 64% of householders resorting to this type of health care. Sociocultural determining factors were also identified. Among health care providers whom community's request is important, we observed the relevance of the malaria regular diagnosis as compared to established references. However we did not observed it as far as treatment and chemoprophylaxis are concerned. The supply is done along underground lines. The training of these informal health care providers and their integration in the general health care system should be considered.