Purpose: To investigate the usefulness of preoperative percutaneous injections in vertebral hemangiomas.
Methods: Four patients presented with complicated vertebral hemangioma (spinal cord compression in three cases, intermittent spinal claudiction in one case). A three-part treatment was performed: initially, arterial embolization in three cases; 1 day later, percutaneous injections of methyl methacrylate into the vertebral body to strengthen it and of N-butyl cyanoacrylate into the posterior arch to optimize hemostasis during surgery; finally, the day after percutaneous injections, decompressive laminectomy and epidural hemangioma excision (when present).
Results: Laminectomy was performed with minimal blood loss. The epidural component present in three cases was excised without any difficulty. The follow-up (average, 20 months) showed no evidence of vertebral collapse.
Conclusion: Percutaneous injections of methyl methacrylate and N-butyl cyanoacrylate might be useful before surgery for vertebral hemangiomas.