The pattern and the extent of formation of proteases and secretion varied with the fungus, age and/or the nature of the co-supplement. Addition of yeast extract induced the best yield of proteases from both Aspergillus niger and A. terreus. Proteases from A. niger were highly induced by glutamic acid, alanine or albumin, with minor differences, whereas gelatin, peptone, aspartic acid, casein or acetamide stimulated the accumulation of proteases in the culture medium of A. terreus. Galactose stimulated the yield of the enzyme particularly with A. terreus while most C-supplements inhibited such processes, more prominently in the presence of cellulose or starch. Incorporation of nicotinic acid and wheat bran initiated the maximum productivity of proteases from A. niger and A. terreus, respectively. Co+2 and Cu+2 highly stimulated the output of proteases from A. niger and A. terreus, respectively. Co+2 and Ca+2 stimulated the enzyme activity of alkaline and acid proteases from A. terreus and acid proteases from A. niger. The other six cations and DTT inhibited variably the three proteases particularly alkaline proteases from A. terreus indicating that proteases from various sources even from closely related species showed different properties.