A combination chemotherapy (PT treatment) with cisplatin and tetrahydropyranyl-adriamycin (THP-ADM) was performed in 17 patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Chemotherapy treatment began with an intravenous dose of 50 mg/body cisplatin and an intravenous dose of 20 mg/body THP-ADM. Administration of THP-adriamycin was performed on the first day only, while cisplatin treatment was repeated once a day until the third day. Five of the 17 cases achieved complete response (29.4%) and seven achieved partial response. Response rate was 70.6%. Toxicity was mild and controlled with symptomatic treatment. Leukopenia was observed in 71.4% thrombocytopenia 14.3% (due to myelosuppression), appetite loss 38.1%, general fatigue 28.6% and nausea and vomiting 23.8%. No electrocardiographic abnormality was noted.