The thyroid doses of 49,360 inhabitants of Pripjat evacuated after the accident at Chernobyl were reconstructed. During their evacuation most of the evacuees passed through highly contaminated territories. The evaluation of a large-scale public survey showed that only about 50% of the evacuees had left the contaminated areas within 5 days and that 30% of them stayed there for more than 30 days. As a first step, the model of dose estimations was improved, and thyroid doses were assessed for the group of evacuees for whom the 131I activity in the thyroids was measured. The 131I incorporation during the first 5 days after the accident was described by a single-intake model (inhalation); later incorporations were assumed to be proportional to the radioiodine activity in milk. As a second step, the correlation between the calculated doses and individual parameters (place of residence in Pripjat, intake of stable iodine, and age at the time of the accident) was described by an empirical equation. This equation was applied to all evacuees who completed the questionnaires of the public survey. Previous dose assessments were found to overestimate the thyroid doses especially for the younger evacuees. On the basis of these estimations, collective doses and the resulting radiation risks for thyroid cancer were assessed for different age groups.