To date, myoepithelial sialoadenitis (Sjoegren's syndrome) has been diagnosed with sialography and other techniques. First results of MR imaging offer new possibilities in the diagnostic imaging of this disease. Thirty-six patients with immunohistologically and serologically confirmed Sjoegren's syndrome and 25 patients suffering from other diseases, included as a control group, were examined by MR in transverse and coronal orientation. T-2-weighted sequences (TR/TE 1600/25/90) and T1-weighted sequences (TR/TE 500/25 ms) plain and after Gd-DTPA administration were obtained. In all patients the parotid gland showed characteristic internal patterns and abnormalities in gland size. There was a nonhomogeneous internal pattern with a characteristic speckled, honeycomb-like appearance visible especially on T2-weighted sequences. Enhancement with Gd-DTPA yielded no additional information. A staging system with four stages of Sjoegren's syndrome (no characteristic changes to a nodular and swollen gland) was developed. Magnetic resonance has become an important new tool in assessing parotid gland changes in patients suffering from Sjoegren's syndrome, and could well replace the more invasive and unpleasant diagnostic methods in the near future.