The Rinne and the Weber tests were carried out using a 256-Hz tuning fork on 687 6- to 15-year-old school children, the majority of whom were normally hearing subjects. The Rinne test was positive in 97% of ears with normal hearing or sensorineural hearing loss and negative in 72% of ears with conductive hearing loss. The Rinne test changed from positive to negative at 13 dB when performed using the normal loudness comparison method. In midline Weber results, the mean value of the air conduction difference at 0.25 kHz between the right and left ear was 1.4 dB. The lateralization in the Weber test occurred at a difference of 2.5 dB between the right and left ear. The Weber test was in midline in 96-98% of ears with bilateral normal hearing or sensorineural hearing loss. It lateralized to the poorer ear in 63% of ears with unilateral conductive hearing loss. The values of the Rinne and Weber tests were not good in the diagnosis of mild conductive hearing loss when the air-bone gap was 5-35 dB.