The effect of therapy on renal function after unilateral nephrectomy for Wilms' tumour was studied. In the second year following unilateral nephrectomy, glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and effective renal plasma flow (ERPF) were estimated simultaneously by measuring 125I-iothalamate clearance and 131I-hippurate clearance. Of 41 evaluable patients, 29 received chemotherapy as sole treatment modality following nephrectomy (group 1); 12 patients additionally received radiation therapy to a field that included the remaining kidney (group 2). Results were expressed as standard deviation scores (z-scores). In group 1, mean z-score for GFR was -0.27 (94.6% of normal) and in group 2 mean z-score was -1.51 (72.7% of normal for two kidneys) (P = 0.022, Mann-Whitney U-test). Mean z-score for ERPF was -0.09 (97.0%) in group 1 and -1.53 (73.8%) in group 2 (P = 0.039). It was concluded that the combination of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, in contrast to chemotherapy alone, negatively affects the ability of the remaining kidney to adjust its function after the loss of its counterpart.