The aim of this study was to assess breathing patterns during sleep in patients with generalized mild myasthenia gravis. Fourteen patients (13 F; 1M, age range 20-40 years) in a stable clinical and functional state underwent a sleep questionnaire, baseline respiratory function tests and standard nocturnal polysomnography. All of the patients had normal daytime blood-gas values, except one who showed mild hypoxemia. No patient complained of disturbed sleep; six patients reported snoring. In five patients nocturnal polysomnography showed the occurrence of short and infrequent central apneas mainly during REM sleep, together with a drop in HbSaO2 levels of more than 5% of the baseline wakefulness value. Our data indicate that, in patients with mild generalized MG in a stable functional state, breathing pattern instability during sleep is infrequent and, when it occurs, is mild and mainly related to REM sleep.