The objective of this study was to investigate the correlation of transcutaneous bilirubinometry (TcB) and plasma bilirubin concentrations in full-term Chinese, Malay and Indian infants. TcB was performed with the Minolta Airshields bilirubinometer on Chinese, Malay and Indian fullterm infants. The readings were taken on the chest (sternum) and forehead (glabella) when capillary blood was sampled for bilirubin determination. Five hundred and forty TcB indices in 253 Chinese infants, 282 in 169 Malay infants, and 182 in 120 Indian infants were obtained over the sternum and forehead. A good correlation between the TcB indices and the bilirubin concentrations was observed in Chinese, Malay and Indian infants: r = 0.78 (chest), r = 0.73 (forehead); r = 0.86 (chest), r = 0.84 (forehead); and r = 0.84 (chest), r = 0.82 (forehead). The correlation was just as good when the combined values were evaluated together: r = 0.80 (chest) r = 0.75 (forehead). In Chinese infants, correlation at values below 250 mumol l-1 was significantly better than that at values over 250 mumol l-1 r = 0.80 versus r = -0.20, p < 0.00001 (chest), and r = 0.74 versus r = 0.07, p < 0.00001 (forehead). However, a safer cut-off point clinically would be 200 mumol l-1, since only relatively few higher bilirubin values were encountered when TcB indices were below 200 mumol l-1. The same pattern was noticed with the other two groups, and the combined group. Thus, TcB provides a non-invasive, cost-effective screening method for significant neonatal jaundice, sparing infants and parents physical and emotional stress, and medical and nursing personnel extra work and inconvenience.