Aging-related changes in the subunit expression of some hippocampal GABAA receptors have been found. Quantitative in situ hybridization has revealed that alpha 1, subunit messenger RNA expression was significantly increased in the hippocampus (34%) of old rats. The largest increases were observed in the dentate gyrus (76%) and in the CA1 field (30%). Quantitative immunocytochemistry also showed increased protein expression of the alpha 1 subunit in the dentate gyrus (19%) and CA1 (14%) of old rats. The increased alpha 1 messenger RNA and protein expression led to increased proportions of assembled GABAA receptors that contained alpha 1 subunits, as revealed by quantitative immunoprecipitation of (3H)flunitrazepam and (3H)muscimol binding. In contrast, there were no significant changes in the expression of beta 2, beta 3 and total gamma 2 (gamma 2S + gamma 2L) subunits, although a slightly increased expression of gamma 2L peptide was detected in the hippocampus proper (7%), but not in the dentate gyrus. The results are consistent with the notion that in the rat hippocampus there is an aging-related change in the subunit composition of some GABAA receptors.