In studying the anti-mannan antibodies longitudinally in serial serum samples of three immunocompromised patients, it was observed that anti-mannan antibodies started to increase shortly after the moment that cultures of deep-tissue sites became positive with Candida albicans. The mean anti-mannan antibody titers determined in a group of 36 immunocompromised patients with invasive candidiasis increased within two weeks after the probable onset of invasive candidiasis. In contrast, anti-mannan antibody levels in serial serum samples of 14 immunocompromised patients who were only colonized with C. albicans remained stable or decreased over time. The HA test measuring the anti-mannan antibodies was 64% sensitive and 89% specific in determining invasive candidiasis. In contrast, antibodies specific for candidal cytoplasmic antigens or enolase alone were of little value in confirming invasive candidiasis in these immunocompromised patients.