This study is based on the videofluorographic exploration of deglutition in 14 patients who were treated by supracricoid laryngectomy. The choice of this population rests on two criteria: a 1-year postoperative delay, and absence of residual deglutition disorders elicited by patient history. Asymptomatic aspiration was seen in 6 cases. In the cricohyoidoepiglottopexies (CHEP), aspiration occurred uniquely in patients who did not recuperate satisfactorily from epiglottic dynamics. The deglutition sequelae are less invalidating relative to the cricohyoidopexies (CHP), with a possible recuperation of the dynamic sequence of the pharyngeal swallow. On the other hand, in the CHP, a complete reorganization of the stepwise sequence of the different neuromuscular events is necessary.