Vasoconstrictor and Na/K pump inhibitory properties of a bufodienolide Na/K-ATPase inhibitor, marinobufagenin, were studied in isolated rings of 2 to 3 order branches of human pulmonary arteries respectively. Marinobufagenin displayed concentration-dependent vasoconstrictor activity (0.01 to 10 mmol/L). In sarcolemma membranes prepared from pulmonary artery marinobufagenin inhibited Na/K-ATPase (IC50 = 50 nmol/L). In eight healthy male Caucasians, concentrations of marinobufagenin-like immunoreactive material in C-18 extracted plasma were 1.38 +/- 0.60 nmol/L. Twenty-four-hour urinary release of marinobufagenin-like immunoreactive material in eight healthy males was 1.20 +/- 0.95 nmol/day. Chloroform extract of human urine was fractionated using reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (32% acetonitrile, Deltapak). The HPLC fraction coeluting with marinobufagenin in 7 min, cross reacted with antimarinobufagenin and antidigoxin, but not antiouabain antibody. These results demonstrate that human plasma and urine contains a bufodienolide vasoconstrictor EDLF, marinobufagenin-like immunoreactive Na,K pump inhibitor.