Although laparoscopic and endoscopic surgery have brought about an indisputable revolution in biliary surgery, many surgeons still prefer open surgery for lithiasis of the common bile duct, and if it is associated with a papillary pathology, they perform a papillotomy. However, great controversy regarding the site, modalities, and extension of the papillary section has now developed among surgeons. Our technique is not original; however, we do propose a "calibration" of the papillotomy, carried out by constructing a "little train" made up of several consecutive Nélatons of increasing caliber to identify the sphincter fibers and to obtain sections proportionate to the size of the bile duct. Of the 115 patients in this series who were treated by open papillotomy, only 1 developed acute pancreatitis; 2 demonstrated bleeding, 1 of whom required surgical exploration.