During irradiation of the mouth cavity, dental metallic materials emit secondary electrons and thus increase the applied radiation dose in their vicinity. Therefore, local destruction of the mucous membrane contacting metallic dental crowns and fillings may be observed. Available data on this dose increase are based on measurements with beam arrangements perpendicular to the metallic surface. Since the dose modification depends on the beam direction in relation to specimen surface, a reliable prediction of dose modification in the close vicinity of dental caps on fillings under complex beam arrangements, as applied in the irradiation of head and neck region from the published data is not possible. Therefore, we measured dose increase in the immediate surrounding of metallic dental material using thermoluminescence dosimetry on the phantom and during routinely applied 60Co gamma ray therapy. Phantom measurements were carried out using several oblique irradiation angles and rotational therapy. In vivo measurements were carried out at alloy specimens containing gold, palladium, and amalgam in six patients and at permanently fixed golden teeth in five patients. In vivo, the following relative dose increase values according to a simultaneously measured reference value were obtained at the surface of different dental materials: 61% for fixed golden caps. 68% for the specimen containing gold, 33% for the specimen of palladium and 61% for the specimen of amalgam. The measured dose increases due to metallic dental material during routinely applied external 60Co beam irradiation are lower compared with those of perpendicular beam arrangements. Although, the extent of dose modification is less than expected, we still advocate protection of the oral mucosa to prevent painful lesion spots.