Combined retrograde neuronal tracing with FluoroGold (FG) and a double immunofluorescence method was performed to examine the effects of peripheral nerve injury of the masseteric nerve (MassN) on the levels of two calcium binding proteins (CaBPs), parvalbumin (PV) and calbindin D28k (CB), and neuropeptide Y (NPY) in the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus (MesV) in the rat. In the normal MesV, many medium- to large-sized unipolar PV-like immunoreactive (-IR) cells were detected through the entire rostrocaudal extent, but CB-IR cells were rarely observed. No NPY-IR cells were observed in the normal MesV. The distributions of these three neurochemical markers in the MesV contralateral to the transection of Mass were almost identical to those observed in the normal MesV. Four days following transection and application of FG to the MassN, approximately 52% (572/1104) and 38% (414/1104) of FG-labeled cells (FG cells) in the MesV displayed PV-like immunoreactivity (-LI) and NPY-LI, respectively; Approximately 24% (265/1104) of FG cells showed both PV-LI and NPY-LI. Approximately 47% (265/572) of FG cells with PV-LI showed NPY-LI or 64% (265/414) of FG cells with NPY-LI displayed PV-LI. Fourteen days following transection and application of FG, the percentage of FG cells with PV-LI significantly decreased to 36% (365/1024) compared to that observed 4 days post-injury; approximately 44% (448/1024) of FG cells displayed NPY-LI; approximately 38% (141/365) of FG cells with PV-LI showed NPY-LI and approximately 31% (141/448) of FG cells with NPY-LI displayed PV-LI. In contrast, FG cells showing CB-LI were very rare on 4 days (1%; 15/1182) or 14 days (1%; 16/1085) following MassN transection. The present results indicate that the levels of PV in the MesV decreased 14 days following the MassN injury compared to those observed 4 days post-injury and rapid induction of NPY in the injured MesV neurons, and that the correlation between CaBP and NPY in the MesV following the MassN transection is different from that observed in the trigeminal ganglion, which is equivalent to the MesV, following peripheral nerve injury of the inferior alveolar nerve.