Previous studies have revealed that the transgenic mouse line expressing the human neurofilament-mid-sized (NF-M) gene evidences age-dependent and cell-specific pathological neurofibrillary accumulation in the central nerve system. In the current study, we investigated the learning and memory processes of NF-M transgenic mice at 3 and 8 months of age in a modified Morris water maze using a series of tasks including those primarily related to reference memory (i.e., spatial learning, reversal learning and probe trials) and to working memory (i.e., matching to sample tasks with or without delays). At 3 months of age, NF-M transgenic mice were indistinguishable from age- and litter-matched non-transgenic wild-type controls on any of the tests of reference and working memory. At 8 months of age, however, the NF-M transgenic mice exhibited significantly poorer performance than the age- and litter-matched wild-type control mice on both reference and working memory tasks. Immunohistological study of the brains of the 8-month-old NF-M transgenic mice revealed spherical and tangle-like neurofilamentous accumulation in their cerebral cortices. These results suggest that NF-M transgenic mice express both age-related histopathological changes and age-dependent learning and memory deficits. Whether NF-M transgenic mice exhibit even more severe behavioral impairments when they become aged is currently under study.