The sensory-motor portion of the inferior collicular cortex is capable of seizure genesis that is characterized initially by coincident wild running behaviors and localized electrographic afterdischarge. With repeated stimulations, this seizure activity spreads into the forebrain, producing generalized tonic-clonic or myoclonic seizure activity. In order to characterize the neural network subserving this caudal-rostral seizure generalization, three mapping techniques were used: 2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) utilization, c-fos expression and local anesthetic microinjection. Kindled seizure generalization from the inferior collicular cortex produced a global increase in 2-DG accumulation, while relative 2-DG increases were found in the inferior collicular cortex, dorsal lateral lemniscus, dorsal central gray, peripeduncular nucleus, medial geniculate nucleus, substantia nigra, entopeduncular nucleus, ventroposterior and centromedian thalamus and tenia tectum, as well as the perirhinal, somatosensory and frontal cortices. Kindled seizure generalization also increased c-fos-like immunoreactivity (FLI) in the inferior collicular cortex, cuneiform nucleus, dorsal lateral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus, peripeduncular nucleus, caudal central gray, dentate gyrus of the hippocampus, rhinal fissure area of the perirhinal cortex and the frontal cortex. Microinjections of procaine into the amygdala, perirhinal cortex, entopeduncular nucleus, substantia nigra, peripeduncular nucleus, dorsal central gray, and pontine reticular nucleus all prevented generalized seizure behaviors, but had no effect on the wild running seizures. Conversely, procaine microinjection into the area of the cuneiform nucleus/pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus prevented the wild running seizure but did not block the generalized seizure activity. Neither wild running, nor generalized seizures were altered following procaine microinjections into the anterior thalamus, sub-thalamus, lateral hypothalamus, hippocampus or deep superior colliculus. Thus, specific forebrain sites form a widespread neural network that mediates the generalization of seizure activity from the inferior collicular cortex into the forebrain.