The surgical treatment for truncal valve regurgitation is still controversial in patients with truncus arteriosus. A two-year-old girl with complaints of low weight gain and tachypnea was referred for treatment of truncal valve regurgitation. She had undergone an emergency pulmonary artery banding for severe congestive heart failure due to truncus arteriosus-type I at six months of age. This anomaly had been corrected by Barbero-Marcial method at seven months of age. But the truncal valve regurgitation started appearing at sixteen months of age with the progression of the stenosis of the pulmonary artery orifice and the right ventricular outflow tract regurgitation. Echo cardiography and cineangiography revealed the truncal valve to be bicuspid, and the regurgitation severe, especially through the prolapsed left sided cusp. The truncal valve was repaired by commissural suspension method, and the right ventricular outflow tract reconstructed with patch angioplasty of the pulmonary artery orifice and Carpentier-Edwards pericardial Bioprosthesis (19 mm). The post-operative course was uneventful. One year after, truncal valve regurgitation is small by color Doppler study. We conclude that valvoplasty is to be considered as the first choice of treatment for truncal valve regurgitation.