A filamentous, gram-negative, motile bacterium with a single polar sheathed flagellum was isolated from gallbladders of hamsters with cholangiofibrosis and centrilobular pancreatitis. Bacteria grew under microaerophilic conditions at 37 and 42 degrees C, were oxidase, catalase, arginine aminopeptidase, and L-arginine arylamidase positive, reduced nitrate to nitrite, were resistant to cephalothin, and exhibited intermediate susceptibility to nalidixic acid. Sequence analysis of the 16S rRNA gene indicated that the bacterium was a novel member of the Helicobacter genus, most closely related to Helicobacter pametensis. We propose to name this bacterium Helicobacter cholecystus. In epidemiologic studies, isolation of H. cholecystus correlated strongly with the presence of cholangiofibrosis and centrilobular pancreatitis; however, further studies are needed to define the role of this bacterium in pathogenesis.