A hemophilia A patient with high responder inhibitor had been treated by (activated) prothrombin complex concentrates (A) PCC and activated factor VII until the occurrence of intracranial bleeding at the age of 6 years. Since the inhibitor titer was decreased less than 1 Bethesda Units/ml, high dose of factor VIII was given followed by the infusions of factor VIII concentrates (100 units/kg) three times a week. In spite of previous episodes of anamnestic responses by factor VIII products before, the inhibitor titer did not increase and disappeared completely 6 months after the FVIII infusion therapy. The specific anti-factor VIII IgG subclasses of the inhibitor were IgG2 and IgG4. The inhibitor recognized both light and heavy chains. He have no bleeding episode for 6 months since the beginning of the prophylactic with factor VIII concentrates.