Purpose of the study: The authors report their experience of digital pulp reconstruction by free toe pulp transfer. Fifteen patients were treated with the lateral great toe hemipulp.
Material and methods: 15 cases of post-traumatic finger tip reconstruction were reviewed including 9 thumbs, 5 index, 2 medius, and one ring finger. There were 6 emergency cases and 9 secondary reconstructions (7 after inconvenient spontaneous healing and 2 after groin flap coverage).
Results: We noted 2 partial necrosis, and 4 patients suffered from cold intolerance. The flap sensibility, according to the American Society for Hand Surgery criteria, was excellent in 1 case good in 6 cases, fair in 7 cases and bad in 1 case. The value of the mean two point discrimination test was 10 mm, the mean moving two points discrimination test equalled 9 mm. We had 1 excellent functional result, 6 good, 6 fair and 2 bad. The subjective evaluation found 12 patients satisfied and 3 disappointed.
Discussion: A wide range of procedures from spontaneous healing to thenar flap, neuro vascular flap or toe pulp transfer can be proposed to treat digital pulp loss. In the case of moderate thumb pulp avulsion and homodigital volar flap can be proposed; if microsurgery is contra-indicated, an hetero-digital flap from the index can be performed. When the other fingers are concerned, a homodigital flap can be proposed for moderate defects. For more important trauma, the thenar flap is convenient to cover the index and the medius pulp. Ring and little fingers can be treated by a reverse digital artery flap or by a cross finger flap. When a toe pulp transfer is indicated we recommend the lateral great toe hemipulp for the thumb and a second or third toe pulp transfer for the other fingers when digital vascular anastomosis are possible. The great toe hemipulp transfer represented a good indication for complete digital pulp loss reconstruction where the thumb is concerned. Performing this reconstruction during the acute phase may improve the management of those trauma by reducing the time needed for cicatrisation and the length of work inability.