The aim of videolaparo-cholecystectomy is to achieve a good results with minimal surgical trauma. Recently there has been an evolution of this technique toward the progressive reduction of trauma with an improvement of the results, also from the aesthetical point of view. In this article we describe our new videolaparo-cholecystectomy technique. Trans-umbilical videolaparo-cholecystectomy represents a variant of the traditional technique. This new method allows the operation to perform with only two trocars positioned in the peritoneum cavity through only one umbilical incision. The technical innovation of this method consists of the substitution of the others trocars, utilized in the traditional technique, with an equal number of trans-parietal suspension wires. Up to now, we have given 95 patients this kind of operation being successful in 67% of the cases. We think that this new technique, requiring as it does only standard laparoscopic instruments, is in accordance with the philosophy of mini-invasive surgery. The suspension wires are responsible for minimal bile spreading which is not an important complication if the surgeon performs an accurate and through cleaning of the abdominal cavity at the end of the surgical procedure. The patient better accepts this technique because of its better aesthetical results. In spite of this there should be more evaluable data about trans-umbilical videolaparo-cholecystectomy especially about the incidence of post-operatory complications.